Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog 22- Independent Component 2

“I, Edward Hernandez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours of work.”
(b) My mentor Olivier Lucero has to take all the credit for this one because if it wasn't for him helping me and motivating me to push my project further, I wouldn't have accomplished what I did.
(d) I made a Logo and surveyed skaters from Local skate parks like West Covina, Montclair, Claremont, Pomona, and Ontario to see if they would wear clothing with this logo on it. I simply explained what the logo meant to each and every skater and told them what the purpose was for. This logo was intended to be something that would be popular through out the skateboarding world. 
(e) All my work was documented and My mentor emailed my house teacher confirming time spent on project.

(f) My essential question is "How can an amatuer skate best transition to being a professional skateboarder?" My answer two is through fashion trends because people usually catch on and start following people who start new trends. So I made a logo that stood for the happiness brought by skateboarding and to see if it was something that people would be interested in and hopefully start a new trend through my piece of clothing. 

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