Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Blog 2- Summer Mentorship

1) List the contact name, phone number, and organization of the person with whom you volunteered.
Boo Johnson, Blackskatehead1@yahoo.com, DGK skateboarding company and mentored Boo Johnson. 

2) What qualified this person as an expert in your topic choice? 
    Boo Johnson has many qualifications that makes him a suitable expert in my topic choice. It takes many years of experience in the sport of skateboarding to fully understand it and to be able to apply what you know when on the board. Boo is a professional paid skateboarder who knows exactly what it takes to strive and succeed in the sport of skateboarding. He can/did tell me everything i need to know from how to maintain a body when skateboarding to the daily life of a pro skateboarder. Thats what makes him qualified. 

3) List three questions for further exploration now that you've completed your summer hours. 
Three questions for further exploration i would be interested in knowing would be, 1. "When skateboarding do you have to be more mentally capable or physically capable?" 2. "When trying to go big in the skateboarding world, what is it that sponsors look for?"  3. "Does the dimensions of a skateboard change the way a person skates since they're different sizes and such?". I choose these 3 questions because these questions go more into depth and can open more doorways or my subject. 

4) What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why? 
The most important thing i gained from this experience in my opinion was just how much fun skateboarding can really be because it reminds me why I love the sport so much and why I do it. It also makes me want to do senior project more because I know I will be doing something I love to do. I think that is what I gained the most from this experience with my mentor.

5) What is your senior project topic going to be?  How did mentorship help you make your decision?  Please explain.
My senior project is going to be on skateboarding and something that will catch peoples attention and hopefully make them as interested in it as i am. I don't really know what exactly I want to do with the topic yet but it skateboarding will be for sure in it. My mentorship helped me with this decision because i had such a great time skateboarding and after thinking about it, its something i would really want to do for my senior project. 

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