Thursday, September 17, 2015

Blog 5- Interview 1 Reflection

1) What is the most important thing I learned from the interview? Is there anything I would do differently for my next interview?
 The most important thing I gained from this interview was the advice on how to start off a good company. That advice was that image is the biggest contributing factor towards your company because your image is what represents you. Your image is what people think of when they think about your company. So stickers would need to be an essential because that's the easiest way to spread your picture. No there's nothing i would do differently for my next interview because i don't think i need anything extra.

 2)Did I get the additional resources and contacts? What is the most useful? Why?
Yes, Boo was nice enough to contact people that he knows to also help me with my project. He was going to contact me with a friend who does marketing for his skateboarding company DGK, which would be helpful because i need this person must be real experienced in this field. Interviewing this person can probably get me real good answers and get more into depth with this project.

 3)What makes my interviewee qualified to help me?
What makes my interviewee qualified to help me is the fact that he does a bit of marketing himself. In order to be a succesful skateboarder you must sell you image in order to make it big. Boo does so by marketing himself through his company and through his fashion sense. Anything to support the way people view him, is marketing himself to his audience. My interviewee is very sucessful at doing this job for his career. Being an experienced person is what makes Boo a qualified interviewee for my project.

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